here again the danger exists of mistaking the effect for the cause 意味

  • ここにもまた結果を原因と取り違える危険がある


        mistaking the cause for the end:    mistaking the cause for the end 本末転倒 本末顛倒 ほんまつてんとう
        here again:    ここで再び、繰返して言うが
        here we go again.:     Hère we gó agàin. ((略式))あーあ,またか,また始まった《◆相手が不愉快なことを繰り返し言う時に思わず口から出る言葉》.
        here you go again:     Here you go again () ((略式))ほらまたやっている,それまたそれを言う《◆相手が不愉快なことを繰り返すときに言う言葉》. (Hére ?mthére?n you gó ?iagàin?j?I
        mistaking for:    mistaking for 見違い みちがい
        no mistaking it:    no mistaking it 違いない 違い無い ちがいない
        cause false-starts again and again:    何度{なんど}もフライングを繰り返す
        cause a sensation of pain where no physical problem exists:    身体的{しんたいてき}な問題{もんだい}が存在{そんざい}しない場所{ばしょ}に痛みの感覚{かんかく}を引き起こす
        cause and effect:    cause and effect 原因結果 げんいんけっか 因果 いんが
        cause effect:    {形} : =
        cause-and-effect:    {形} : 因果関係{いんが かんけい}の
        cause-effect:    {形} : =
        cause/effect:    {形} : =
        effect and cause:    結果{けっか}と原因{げんいん} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} :
        effect-and-cause:    {形} : 因果関係{いんが かんけい}の◆cause-and-effect の方が一般的。


  1. "herdsmanの複数形" 意味
  2. "herdsmen" 意味
  3. "here" 意味
  4. "here a change is made to a connecting train" 意味
  5. "here again" 意味
  6. "here again, as in college, my timing was lucky" 意味
  7. "here an indentation in the coast forms a beautiful bay" 意味
  8. "here and abroad" 意味
  9. "here and below letters are put in italic type to show that they are not sounded" 意味
  10. "here a change is made to a connecting train" 意味
  11. "here again" 意味
  12. "here again, as in college, my timing was lucky" 意味
  13. "here an indentation in the coast forms a beautiful bay" 意味

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